Arequipa: I Think I Love You

I was going to wait a few days to post again, after my time in Arequipa and the semi-nearby Colca Canyon. However, after spending just one day here in Arequipa, I decided it needed its own post. I love this city, at least the little bits I’ve seen of it.

From the garbage truck playing the first bars of Fur Elise over and over again (much better than the backing-up “beep beep”), to the white, sillar buildings, to snow-capped El Misti looming over the city, I wish I could stay and explore for at least a week. But I’ve got things to do (i.e., Chile and Argentina).

And look what I did here. See it?

With my limited time today, I scouted tour companies for the best trip to Colca Canyon, ultimately deciding on a 2 day trek, for which I’m leaving at 3am (in 5 short hours).

After that bit of business, I went to the Monastery of Santa Catalina, the city within the city. Built in 1580, the monastery continues to house a few nuns in one section. The rest is for the likes of me and other tourists to enjoy. And enjoy I did. It was beautiful and peaceful.

After the monastery, I went to hunt down my bus ticket to Tacna for Monday. I managed to snag a first class bus ticket for, oh, the equivalent of $13.50 – for a 5 hour ride! Crazytown.

Then it was off to find some new hiking shoes, because the tread on my current shoes is almost non-existent. So many miles and bad planning. Oops.

I capped off the day by admiring and snapping a few shots of the plaza at twilight. Lovely.

Seriously, who goes hiking for a full after 4 hours sleep?


  1. cass2george · · Reply

    Boy I can see why you love this place. It is absolutely beautiful! The picture of the walkway with the geraniums is gallery worthy!

  2. Looks like someone had a great time! Amazing photos especially the fountain!

    1. I did! And, thank you! Glad you like the pics.

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